Good Taste

On the flip side of that Picasso quote I posted a few days ago, having good taste can also be the reason your work isn’t shit. With the process of writing, rewriting, rewriting, and then rewriting some more, good taste can work wonders if you don’t force it.

I can’t imagine The Hellbound Heart, Stranger Than Fiction, or The Silence of the Lambs being created by people with poor taste. Nor do I see how it’s anything but good taste that drives any other kind of artist to try, again and again, until they have something the can proudly(ish) call their own

Of course I might be wrong, but if that’s the case… I might be kind of fucked, ’cause I think I’ve got pretty good taste. As it is though, it seems like the only way it’s a problem is if it keeps you from producing stuff, including the behind the scenes trash that you try not to let anyone else see.

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